Monthly Archives: October 2014


I love this years math class because we never have homework. Mr.Oldfield dresses up in costumes but he should do it a lot more it’s funny. He is the best math teacher I have ever had. The only thing I would change is I think at the end of class I think we should have 5 to 10 minutes at the end of class to talk or just socialize with our friends. Mr.Oldfield is awesome. I also like that we can work at our own pace. Also I love that we work on computers and not just on paper at our desks. I find the math easier to do on the white boards.


I can add and subtract negative numbers.     I thought that this was easy.

I can multiply and divide negative numbers.     I thought this was slightly harder than adding and subtracting negative numbers but not that much harder.

I can simplify expressions using exponents.     I thought this was really complicated until I got the hang of it then it was actually really easy.

I think that I at least should get a B in math because got at least a B on every test so this is the letter grade I think I deserve.