All posts by madisonritchie14


First, you find the difference between two of the numbers three times. You find the difference by subtracting the smaller number from the bigger number. When I subtracted all of my numbers I got the numbers 24,658,034,237, 24,658,035,026, and 24,658,033,303. Second, you find how many downloads there is per minute by adding all of your numbers up and then you divide the number you get by three. When I did that I got 24,658,034,189 downloads per minute. Then to find how many downloads are left  I subtracted 24,658,034,189 from 25,000,000,000 and I found out that there are 341,389,779 downloads left. Then, I figured out that you should wait 9,985 minutes until you should start downloading. After that I divided 9,985 by 60 and found out that it will be 166 hours until you should start downloading. Last but not least, I divided 166 by 24 to find out how many days you should wait to start downloading and I got 7 days. So that means you should start downloading on the second of March.

Finding Slope On A Line…

line 1


In this post I will explain how to find slope on a line. If it goes downhill from left to right it is a negative slope. But, if it goes uphill from left to right the slope would be positive. In the image above you can tell that the slope is going to be positive just be looking at the image. The answer is always going to be in fraction form. The y axis is the number that you count upwards to get. The y axis is the number on the top of the fraction. The x axis is the number that you count sideways to get. The x axis is the number on the bottom of the fraction.

In the image above the answer to the slope would be 1/1 or another way to put it is 1.


I love this years math class because we never have homework. Mr.Oldfield dresses up in costumes but he should do it a lot more it’s funny. He is the best math teacher I have ever had. The only thing I would change is I think at the end of class I think we should have 5 to 10 minutes at the end of class to talk or just socialize with our friends. Mr.Oldfield is awesome. I also like that we can work at our own pace. Also I love that we work on computers and not just on paper at our desks. I find the math easier to do on the white boards.


I can add and subtract negative numbers.     I thought that this was easy.

I can multiply and divide negative numbers.     I thought this was slightly harder than adding and subtracting negative numbers but not that much harder.

I can simplify expressions using exponents.     I thought this was really complicated until I got the hang of it then it was actually really easy.

I think that I at least should get a B in math because got at least a B on every test so this is the letter grade I think I deserve.


When estimating the square root of a number you first find the two perfect square roots that surround the number you are trying to find the square root of. For example, if I wanted to find the square root of 60 the perfect square roots that surround it would be 49 and 64. Then you would find the numbers that make the perfect square root. 49 would be 7 and 64 would be 8. Then you would add 7.5 to 49 so you can eliminate possibilities. 49+7.5=56.5 and 60 is a little more than 56.5. So, you can now eliminate 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5. I would estimate that the square root of 60 is 7.7.